A Therapy Office

Offers Real Understanding

From: Katie Holtz, Pittsburgh

Dear Editor,

Thank you for creating this site. As a psychologist, I aim to offer a ground for collaboration with my clients – where meaningful dialogue and practices lead to change that go beyond any one person responsible for healing and helping. Instead, something new is created between us, ideally both in and out of the office. A “way out” is gradually found, regardless of whether the suffering stems from a catastrophic, acute brain injury or ongoing trauma ignored until it feels like it is too late. I hope for my clients to leave feeling better, with possibility in mind and lightness in heart. I hope for life-long transformation.

Your On American News site has the ingredients of an effective therapy office. There is an effort to be balanced and measured in analysis, with in depth stories that offer humor, images, and real understanding. I believe those who visit your site, after listening to an audio like Dust in the Wind by Kansas or reading a story like Stopping the Advance of Forgetfulness will find themselves letting go of old ideas to bring good and healing into the world. Thank you for offering a place to find our way home.

Katie Holtz


  • May 12, 2018

    Katie, hopefully that is implied. We do what you suggest on some posts, but we need to do more. One issue is timing. Our recent suggestion on schools adopting a victim of violence as a way to remember comes as schools are closing. We hope to find a school this summer. If you know of any, let me know, or approach them on your own. The nice thing here is there is no form, no rules, no do’s, just create something that makes the students feel connected, and not forgetful. That post is in our Stuckness bucket.

  • May 12, 2018

    Josh, I love what you are doing! A way out is taking concrete action. Consider adding a phrase in the Fix It section, “how would you fix it?” or “tell us if you implement this idea and how impacted you and others.”

  • May 8, 2018

    Wow Dr. Holtz. The idea that the site has ingredients of an effective therapy office is intriguing. Right now we look more like a garage with papers, notes, have-finished posts, draft press releases and other tools to help get us officially launched. The idea that we could serve as a “way out” for some readers is something we need to know more about. What do you have in mind, or should we just keep doing what we are doing. Thanks for your comments.

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